letting go

Learning How to Let Go

I’ve realized that I do not know how to let go. To clarify, I do not know that steps that I need to take in order to move on from a nagging feeling, to stop myself from ruminating, to let go of a situation that is bothering me, etc.

For example, someone took great joy, and found humor in an error that I made. Now, I know that I should consider that source and let it go. But, for some reason, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. It has dominated my thoughts for a day-and-a-half. Maybe it’s because I have considered the source and am surprised at their angle considering our relationship.

I want to know/learn how to let go. In most cases I just give things time (as with my previous post entitle “Why.”), but something was different about this instance. I felt compelled, by emotions I’m sure, to defend myself. But against what? An insignificant moment, an uneducated person, someone who was just waiting for the moment that I made an error? I’m exhausted just typing this- and mad at myself at the same time. I’ve wasted hours and energy, and I know that this isn’t the first time I’ve done so. I want to stop this, and I want to learn how to let go.

I am open to and considering all suggestions!